Pong/Brick Breaker on DE0 FPGA
June 2016
1st Year EIE Group Project with Shreyus Bagga and Kai-Chu Hu.
- First proper submission at Imperial College London.
- Used Catapult-C HLS tool to generate Verilog for DE0.
- Wrote a simple game engine for Pong/Brick Breaker hybrid game.
- Simple object tracking using a camera on the DE0 to track coloured balls.
- Position of coloured balls in real world controls position of paddles in game.
- Wrote a VGA driver to display game state on a monitor.
- Learned to use git and version control (as can be seen from the repository haha).
- Learned to use Quartus.
- To be completely honest, not much! This was a first year project so it was a learning experience.
- Pong/Brick Breaker Game for DE0 FPGA (GitHub).
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